Juancito fights with the giant

Juancito peléa con el gigante

Object Details

Subject LanguageWounmeu
Language PID(s)ailla:119523
Title [Indigenous]Juancito Gigante dʌ̈i k’uk’atarr
Language of Indigenous Titlenoa
TitleJuancito fights with the giant
Language CommunityDösigpien, Colombia
Place CreatedEl río Sigrisúa, Departamento de Chocó, Colombia
Date Created1966-03-10
Description [Indigenous]Ma negörr hajim haajem, mag negörr hʌʌi waisĩejim haajem. Mag negörr p’öbör pöoma sim hee sĩejim haajem. Maimua maig sĩi hawia mag negörröu deeum hʌʌi haujim haajem, hʌʌi numi pabaadëjim haajem.
Language of Indigenous Descriptionnoa
DescriptionThere was a Latino man who was married to a woman. This Latino lived in a very large city. After being there for a long time he took another wife and so he had two wives.
Source NoteT38S2, Cuento 4
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleKennedy, Elizabeth (Researcher)
Urbinio (Orbinio) (Speaker)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role

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